Friday, 29 April 2011

Another day, Another edit

Decided to toy around with windows Movie maker a little bit with effects and what now, i am new to this stuff, so it's fun.

Going to get KCVDS soon, so i'll hopefully be making some duel vids and new decks to go along with them.


  1. followed, great blog keep posting, will check daily..

  2. i don't use windows movie maker, i was working with edius "when i was still working for a tv station".

    But great stuff keep up the good work!

  3. Nice edit =)

    You may improve your lighting though, it's too centered

  4. You should also try maybe Sony Vegas or Adobe AE for even better editing possibilities. cheers

  5. Video is produced a lot better than the others. The effort shows, nice job.

  6. I like this. YOu should do what venomfor masses said, try after effects for much more possibilities and opportunity. Either way this is awesome! :D
